It's usually pretty difficult for my Japanese students to make the distinction between "thirteen" and "thirty", even at the lower intermediate level. Often, when they say a number like 16, it sounds like "sixty", and when you repeat the number in English to confirm it ("Did you say sixty?"), they say "yes, 16." This page talks about using Captur Paddles with words that sound similar.
Board Work Activities
No printed material required, just you and your whiteboard (or presentation software).
Ditransitive verbs have two objects. For example, "I'll cook you dinner." These verbs can cause students problems. (That's another ditransitive verb; these verbs can cause problems for students.) This article explores ideas for teaching students more about these verbs.
Each student prepares three statements about themselves. Two are true, but one is false. Can the other students figure out which one is the lie? Can be done in small groups or as a class.
This listening activity draws on the expiences of the teacher. Prepare some statments (or even short stories) about yourself, but include some that are false. This activity has three different options for including students in discussions before answering.