End User License Agreement
End User License Agreement
All the activities and downloadable materials on the Captur.me website are copyrighted. This includes the Captur answer paddle and magnetic board shapes. Teachers, homeschooling families, and parents may print as many copies of each as needed for their students/children. Copies of each worksheet may be made on a copy machine. These copies may be distributed by teachers to students in school classrooms or for home use. They may not be added to any other server without written permission from Captur.me site owners Bill Pellowe and Paul Shimizu. They may not be manufactured and/or distributed (for free or for sale) in any other way without a written licensing agreement with Captur.me site owners Bill Pellowe and Paul Shimizu.
The worksheets and downloadable materials may not be re-distributed or stored on any other servers. This includes the Captur answer paddle and magnetic board shapes. Our activities and materials may be listed with descriptions on other websites. Excerpts of activities and articles may be used on blogs, social media sites (including Twitter and Facebook) and in reviews, provided that appropriate links to Captur.me are included, but full articles and full activities may not be taken from this site. Links for downloading must take the user to our download page, and not to the download iteself. We do not allow other websites to let users download directly from that site. All downloads must come through the Captur.me website.
Licensing agreements are available to those who wish to include Captur.me activities and/or materials, including the Captur answer paddle, in textbooks or other means of distribution.